Thursday, June 28, 2018

326. Dave Chapelle monarched

Not sure how many of you know about Dave Chappelle. This amazing comedian abruptly picked up and moved to Africa about 2005. This was during the height of his own tv show, "Chappelle's Show." Again, this was during the height of his career, and he turned his back on a 50 million dollar contract.

This Oprah interview gives a little insight: OPRAH INTERVIEW

In the midst of Oprah's strange demeanor and obvious free-mason hand signs, Dave reveals that he didn't just walk away from all that money. He walked away from "the circumstances found with his new plateau." Totally understandable. I wouldn't want to sacrifice kids and stuff either for fame.

Soon after he returns to the states, he all of the sudden looks totally different. Vacant eyes, big buff stature. This scrawny guy with the warm smile, morphs into this hulked out dude who looks like he's been on meth for the past two weeks. His voice is just totally different. He doesn't look like himself.

So this is what he used to look like.

And this is what he looks like now.


Can you see the difference? Either this isn't Dave, or he is on a cocaine/steroid binge that is wrecking his looks and his voice. Look for some old Dave vs. new Dave videos.



Yeah yeah. It's natural changes right? My voice got really deeper between the ages of 35 and 40. My muscles just all of the sudden got huge. Happens to everyone. And I developed this soulless gaze too. I still kind of look the same though. HA.

RIP Dave. I don't know what happened to you. Aside from smoking 9 packs a day I guess. And a serious meth/steroid abuse problem.

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