Tuesday, December 4, 2018


in the hopes that he'll read this in more than one place. in the hopes that maybe one of you will read this and get something out of it.

Geezus dude. Chill. I wasn't trying to be a dick. If I thanked you for trying, I meant thanks for trying to see things from my perspective. You think the CIA is trying to do whatever, I think that max kid is a shill. Not trying to be hostile. Maybe we're both wrong. Maybe we're both right.

Why doesn't the CIA invest their money into movies? I'm certain they already do. Why do satan worshiping elites kidnap people and eat them? I don't know. Ask Oprah. As for tech that allows people to verify the shape of the world, that has already been invented. And people have already verified it. Unfortunately because we have all been taught that flat-earth is an outdated simian concept, nobody bothers to even give it a moments thought. 

I'll equate globe-ism with Darwinism. They are both unequivocally considered to be true and if you question them you're a lunatic or an asshole or worse. Try to disprove either one and you're automatically relegated to the corner with the rest of the nutcases. And yes maybe both of them have their moments. But a thorough check into either one raises as many questions than answers. 

The mandela effect is only related to flat earth insomuch that we are being lied to about everything on a massive scale. Such a massive scale that people like us tend to think "well what would be the point? why do that? people are basically good so why would our masters lie to us? why spend zillions of dollars on blah blah" 

Because they have zillions of dollars and they don't care what we think or what we know. Maybe the mandela effect is simply caused by the hazards of time travel. Maybe time travel is impossible. When people have all the power and the money they get bored, and there is no telling what they are up to. Why hire assassins to kill people? Because they have the money and they're bored. Why start wars? Why have a sex trade? Why tweek the educational system to produce morons? Why manipulate the weather? Why try to convince me that trump and putin are trying to so some kind of evil shit? Why invent cell phones that turn humans into robots? I don't know what the end plan is I can only speculate on what I see. Please try and remember that money is no object in this world, and it is definitely no barrier to those who wield it. 

So if there are thousands of satellites happily orbiting the earth, why aren't there billions of space rocks doing the same thing? How can we even see the sun? After a few trillion years, you would think we'd have picked up more passengers than just the moon. Why do we have an atmosphere if at one point in time we were a barren lifeless rock?

Sunday, December 2, 2018

360. Oh geez. OKAY.

Back in the day, you took the pulse by putting your fingers in the middle of the wrist.

Now you take it on the side of the wrist. No joke. Try it on yourself. Freaky right? For those of you like me, no, you're not dead.

You're in a simulation.