Thursday, August 25, 2016

60. JOHN DEER tractors.

Wait. It's DEERE? what the f-k is a deere? Seriously. WTF is a DEERE?

Oh. I guess it's

Sunday, August 21, 2016


I used to listen to the Beatles when I was young. (I'm 37 now)

And I know for a damned fact they never produced an album called "Everyday Chemistry."

But they did. (?)

Google it for yourself.   what the f---

Saturday, August 20, 2016

Skip to #14 please.
58. JFK

When he was killed; there was Mr. Kennedy, his wife, and a driver, and a guy next to the driver. Now there are two extra people in this weirdly elongated car.

yep. That's about how I remember it.
57. "Hello Clarice"

Is no longer a line in the movie The Silence of the Lambs.

I remember he said that, when they first met. I've seen this film at least 6 times in my life. And yes, I'm 100% sure because I trust myself.

Now he says "Good morning!" or something else that's lame. Which ruins things so much, yet so little. Kind of like this entire Mandella Effect.

SO WHAT ARE THE CRITERIA FOR REMEMBERING THINGS THE SAME WAY AS ALMOST 20% OF THE POPULATION YET DIFFERENTLY? Yet the exact same for all of these people? What disease would you call this?

If I'm sick... damn I went and got the most PHUCT-UP illness you could ever get. And maybe we're all a little bit sick.   -?-

Friday, August 19, 2016

56. Questionable web searcheS

I tried this experiment with "Google Trends". Maybe it'll work for you, but it didn't for me. Typing in "Quran", or "Khoran", or "Koran" OR "quran" or "khoran" or "koran" FOLLOWED by the word "Mandela" caused this entire program to just shut down. Shut-Down. Everytime.


I really don't care what search engine you use; just type in "mandela changes in the bible." You'll have quite a bit to read through; and it always ends with "this has been debunked" blah blah blah. People who think the bible has changed are viewed as nuts.

Now try typing in "mandela changes in the khoran" and see what pops up. ABSOLUTELY NOTHING. I tried this on Lycos, Google, Bing, Askjeeves,  and Yahoo. This topic is totally and completely dead. There have got to be almost a billion people searching the WWW for this topic. How are there not a thousand sites set up for this?

No: I am not hinting that the holy book of islam is somehow infallible or unchanging or something else stupid. I have no doubt in my mind it has been changed, and if I'd ever attempted a deep, and thorough examination of this text I'm totally certain I could pick out things that have been altered.

Anyone who is dumb enough to think that the bible might be changed but the khoran is not, well. Let's just say that either you are dumb as rocks or your faith has totally replaced your sanity. I bet billions of people are searching for this topic on the web; and all of the searches are censored.

And this makes the web engines complicit in a really, big, ass, huge, massive cover-up. It's either that or go out and buy yourself a khoran and get real comfortable with all the medieval sh-t that comes with it. Because either this book isn't changing, or, people know that you're stupid. People who would take a lot of money from a big religion. Think about this.

NOTE: When I attempted this search on "" it totally shut down the entire program when I put in "khoran". Every other engine made a feeble attempt at juxtaposing stupid insignificant topics.

 hell yeah. I can feel the peace

Recently, a man from Boston known as "Richie" posted a video taken outside of the LHC headquarters at the CERN facility in Sweden I believe. The video shows people dressed in robes sacrificing a human being in front of the statue of the goddess Shiva.

CERN publicity people immediately set about attributing this video to "playful employees taking things too far."

Yet, I believe less than 24 hours ago, the man who published this short video was found dead.

Chance? Circumstance? BULLSHIT. And if you buy this lame ass excuse, that the man who filmed this fuct up sh-t has been KILLED and it's just IRONY????!


EDIT: DEAD. Murdered by a hitman for a multibillion dollar secretive collaboration of scientists working on weird and unethical sht probably spending tax payer money. Yes. This is reality. WAKE -UP

Thursday, August 18, 2016

54. A little example of the real mental damage this does to people

A couple of weeks ago I met a girl. Fell for her faster than I've ever fallen for anyone. Anyhow, she moves away but we still talk on the phone. Somehow yours truly gets on the topic of the Mandela Effect today.

Now here's a step by step analysis of what happened.

When I mentioned this phenomena, she got really quiet. Kind of weird. I asked what the problem was, and she told me not to talk about "that."

"What's 'that'?"

"I'm going to hang up now."


"I just can't talk about that."

"Why not?"


I learned this about her while I knew her: She had been in the medical field long enough ago that she remembers the human body the way I remember it. Totally different than now. But she wouldn't talk about it, and she even hung up on me.

Now... damn I want to say I'm no genius but. Something fishy here. She texts me later, so I text back about this. No, damn it. I'm not going to shut up about this. When god puts a fellow Mandela sufferer in your path you hold on and  you don't let go! What the hell is wrong with you? What happened to you? No response. "turning off my phone now."

I can only speculate on the jeers, and the comments, and the labels she must have endured. I don't know how long she has noticed this for.

I didn't feel warm fuzzies inside or anything. But I felt a sense of wonderment that is still with me, and this realization: there are actually females in this world who see this effect. I don't think this lady who stole my heart will ever read this, or a friend of hers will ever read this. But I'm going to put this out there: STOP LIVING IN DENIAL. IF PEOPLE THINK YOU'RE CRAZY THEN FUCK THEM WE KNOW THE TRUTH.

Love ya', babe.


 Stop LIVING like this. STOP IT!

Monday, August 15, 2016

53. Am I nuts or did Chic-Fil-A just change back to Chick-Fil-A?


Wednesday, August 10, 2016

Well. Nobody gives a sh-t anyways. But I tried. Kind of half-assed. But I made effort. srsly
52. It's amazing how benign and unnoticeable some of these things are. There is an apartment complex here in Carson City that everybody calls "The Senators."

Yet, the sign clearly says "The Senator."

But, yet, still, I remember it being actually spelled "The Senators." ? Who knows.

 Here's a nice color photo of the "Senator" for you.... with what appears to be police raiding the joint or some angry drug addicts trying to get payment for whatever


towards the end of the song, one of the group says:

 "Mirror, mirror on the wall
Who's the baddest of them all?
Yeah, it's gotta be the Apl
I'm the mack daddy, y'all
Haters better step back
Ladies (don't load your act)
I'm the party application
Rockin' just like that"

Now where did they get "mirror mirror on the wall?"

Isn't it "magic mirror on the wall?"



Tuesday, August 2, 2016


Induction heating and the Lorentz Law (as applied to CERN)


I'm sure you've seen pictures of it. Gigantic tunnels, filled with all sorts of scary looking electronics. Too complex for the mortal to comprehend. ... with people dancing around acting strangely, if you view the right video.

It's easy to comprehend really. Here's what they won't tell  you.

CERN is a magnetically charged device. Here is a blueprint. -NEVERMIND THE BLUEPRINT HAS BEEN REMOVED FROM THE INTERWEBZ-

I would imagine, with the amount of energy this thing uses, that there are at least a few (hundred?)-thousand very, very, very strong magnets.

Start with a small metal ball perhaps; or even magnetic particulates. Hovering in mid air, purely by magnetism. They are blasted forward by electric magnets, all the way around the (20+ mile long?) tunnel achieving speeds unheard of. Who knows how many circuits it makes around the length of the track?

T2 starting at point two, will blast another metal ball in the opposite direction around and around the SPS circle.

These two metal balls (or particulates), propelled by magnets at insane speeds, will eventually collide when the right tunnel is opened up. I believe there is probably a gigantic blast chamber (not shown in the blue prints) where these two balls (or what's left of them, after going so fast) hit each other. By the time they collide, there are only particles left; less than particles. The resulting explosion is probably something to see, as everything in the room is torn into nothing.

Such ludicrous amounts of electricity used to run this thing would cause the observable clouds to gather, as seen in numerous photos. You think HAARP is bad? The results of these atoms colliding...

This could cause any sort of phenomena. Including access to parallel dimensions. Which have now invaded this one. -.-


    there's a nice lil 666 logo for ya

50. "You dirty raaaa.... I mean, you..."

You dirty yellow bellied rat?

James Cagney says that line in "Public Enemy." I believe this line has been "misquoted" in all sorts of films and TV shows.

Do you really believe everyone misquoted this line? Or has it changed? Just like in Star Wars... "Luke I am.".... no it's "No I am..."

what the hell dude.

He said "YOU DIRTY RAT!"

And if you don't believe that then