56. Questionable web searcheS
I tried this experiment with "Google Trends". Maybe it'll work for you, but it didn't for me. Typing in "Quran", or "Khoran", or "Koran" OR "quran" or "khoran" or "koran" FOLLOWED by the word "Mandela" caused this entire program to just shut down. Shut-Down. Everytime.
I really don't care what search engine you use; just type in "mandela changes in the bible." You'll have quite a bit to read through; and it always ends with "this has been debunked" blah blah blah. People who think the bible has changed are viewed as nuts.
Now try typing in "mandela changes in the khoran" and see what pops up. ABSOLUTELY NOTHING. I tried this on Lycos, Google, Bing, Askjeeves, and Yahoo. This topic is totally and completely dead. There have got to be almost a billion people searching the WWW for this topic. How are there not a thousand sites set up for this?
No: I am not hinting that the holy book of islam is somehow infallible or unchanging or something else stupid. I have no doubt in my mind it has been changed, and if I'd ever attempted a deep, and thorough examination of this text I'm totally certain I could pick out things that have been altered.
Anyone who is dumb enough to think that the bible might be changed but the khoran is not, well. Let's just say that either you are dumb as rocks or your faith has totally replaced your sanity. I bet billions of people are searching for this topic on the web; and all of the searches are censored.
And this makes the web engines complicit in a really, big, ass, huge, massive cover-up. It's either that or go out and buy yourself a khoran and get real comfortable with all the medieval sh-t that comes with it. Because either this book isn't changing, or, people know that you're stupid. People who would take a lot of money from a big religion. Think about this.
NOTE: When I attempted this search on "Bing.com" it totally shut down the entire program when I put in "khoran". Every other engine made a feeble attempt at juxtaposing stupid insignificant topics.
hell yeah. I can feel the peace
Hypothetical proposition but bear with me....If every book ever written were to be gathered and burned, so that there were no more books left on earth, there would remain one: The Koran because it's memorized from cover to cover, letter for letter, word for word, by millions. That is a miracle and the reason why the topic will never be, Inshallah.
ReplyDeleteBut it's only logical that the khoran would be changed as well. Unless the text is presenting something different than the bible. Which it is not; in the eyes of an unbeliever.