Friday, October 27, 2017


Rapper: EyEdea (aka Michael Larsen)

When you get older you realize that some things that never interested you require great skill. For anyone doubting the intelligence of modern day "rappers" please watch these videos. Of course, this is battle rapping; a talent separate from "rapping" and of much, much more intellectual value.

Please note the well (and instantaneously) thought out verbal jabs. This man was a master of his craft. His amazing off-the-cuff remarks have me appreciating his paper-written lyrics all the more. With every "Eyedea and Abilities" album every sentence should be studied by the listener more than once.

And like all such masters, the powers-that-be decided to rob the world of his presence. And aside from his completely ridiculously unexplained death, we are all left wondering why.

here he is presumably totally ruining people's minds with his insanely intellectual rhymes.

Saturday, October 21, 2017

Friday, October 20, 2017


Did you know that Joseph Stalin died at the ripe old age of whatever?

at 9:48...???????????????????

I thought he died in some battle or something. .......



I read he died a long time ago but evidently he was alive long enough to take the most haunting psycho-golf-grandpa-4-eva' I-will-jump-off-my-wheel-chair-and-murder-you straight thug from Compton photo ever to surface --- once again at 9:48

I thought he died? In a battle? ... what? How can you be mad at such a pathetic creature? Oh boy I never thought it came to this. Good luck in the hereafter.

I never saw awful pictures of this man until recently... until recently they were PROBABLY outlawed but whatever. I don't know. I'll chalk it up to the Mandela Effect.

the only reason the USA hasn't been invaded thus far is because every country in the world knows that Americans pack heat. It would be suicide to even attempt to overrun us.

Get rid of the guns, control the populace.

Get rid of the military; amp up our police force into the NEW military; bam! Instant communism! Or totalitarianism under whatever crazy person wants to run our lives.

We need guns to keep the lives we so cherish.

We need the military to scare the piss out of other countries.

Unless you all want to be speaking Chinese soon you should be aware of these things before you complain about them. As in Tyler Durden's famous line, "We guard you while you sleep!"

Look. Other countries don't want to invade us because possibly everyone is strapped. Take away our guns, take away the USA. Mostly. Either way, there are already too many guns among the populace. Good luck to the world.

Stop the liberal stupidity. Amp up liberal awareness.

this is what you'll want for Christmas in a country run by North Korea. "proMiiiiisseE!" :D

Wow does this sound like propaganda. hopefully this keeps big brother appeased

Thursday, October 19, 2017

237. It's not...

It's not that the United States is spending an absurd amount of taxpayer money on military projects. It's the reason. We could be using that money to help not only us but everyone in the world.  It's the fact that if they don't spend that money on the military; some other psychopathic country will. For all we know, the year we spend less on the military than China, they may spend twice that and kill us.

Once we take the military out of the budget... we'll be able to take care of the poor but it won't help us when we're being invaded by Russia. Which would totally happen. Even if we stopped the military 100% for just once year we'd all be speaking a different language by the next.

It's the GLOBAL environment in which we live. All successful countries overspend on military budgets. It's a very very expensive insurance plan. Relying on a  lot of bluffing. But it's the insurance policy advanced countries have to buy. sorry people. -.-

it shoots missiles and bombs and stuff

Hope this makes you happy, guvment.

Tuesday, October 17, 2017

236. PrincE

Why did he die? He wasn't s drug addict. He was a freaking vegan.

This man represented the last of a dying breed: people who are born musicians and performers. I suppose this is the elite's way of telling us to buy into their manufactured music made by 100 different people... instead of one. And even though the performer had nothing to do with writing the music, well.

You just have to love all these.... because we're programmed to.

People like Prince will be remembered haphazardly as "those guys who really knew what they were doing." Either way. You can't improve your class anymore based on talent. Got it? Cool. Your successes are not based off what you can do anymore; they are based off of who you know that can do it for you.

Listen to Michael Jackson's "Man in the mirror" and compare it with Katy Perry's "This is how we do." Can  you see? Oh man

Thursday, October 12, 2017


Study up on interdimensional physics, theory, travel. I'm inclined to believe that we're officially living on a failed planet earth. Other dimensional realities have obviously succeeded when you take into account all the data we have on extra terrestrials (e.g. people from dimensions that thrived far into the future to the point where we can't comprehend). Unfortunately we find ourselves in a FAIL reality.

This particular dimension out of infinity has messed up. We've got Fukushima killing the entire planet at a rapid rate, CERN ruining everything, and now weather manipulated by HAARP causing horrible "natural disasters." Man-kind has officially gone insane and is probably going to kill itself (oops already happened 2/11/2011).

I believe that those in power (whom humanity has allowed to be so) are planning and executing all of these tragedies. I also obviously believe that you should be aware.

hopefully this wonderful picture of a dimension doesn't fail

Tuesday, October 10, 2017

234. (for those of you who don't know TEPCO killed the entire planet you just don't know it yet)

IF YOU WANT TO KNOW WHO THE ANTICHRIST IS LOOK FOR THE OWNER OF TEPCO. Just sayn. If you believe in god and stuff.

  Nuclear toxicity yep.          Outcome.