Thursday, October 19, 2017

237. It's not...

It's not that the United States is spending an absurd amount of taxpayer money on military projects. It's the reason. We could be using that money to help not only us but everyone in the world.  It's the fact that if they don't spend that money on the military; some other psychopathic country will. For all we know, the year we spend less on the military than China, they may spend twice that and kill us.

Once we take the military out of the budget... we'll be able to take care of the poor but it won't help us when we're being invaded by Russia. Which would totally happen. Even if we stopped the military 100% for just once year we'd all be speaking a different language by the next.

It's the GLOBAL environment in which we live. All successful countries overspend on military budgets. It's a very very expensive insurance plan. Relying on a  lot of bluffing. But it's the insurance policy advanced countries have to buy. sorry people. -.-

it shoots missiles and bombs and stuff

Hope this makes you happy, guvment.

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