I grew up in a Christian household. I read the Bible. From the time I was a kid, I had to read the Bible. A whole lot of things predicated upon my knowledge of the Bible; such as morality, choices, world history, and even human biology. Nothing in the Bible was too outlandish, by the standards we had. Except for that one guy being eaten by the whale, nothing seemed too contrived.
If you're like me then you know for a fact that the Bible didn't have much "totally crazy" stuff mixed in with the stories of God's chosen being put through the wringer. BUT - now you can look in the Bible dictionary (every bible on the planet) and find unicorns, and goblins. Mormon apologists will say that the word unicorn is a simple mistranslation of the word "ox." Everyone else says that the book always had mythical creatures. It was just up to us to "pick out the crazy stuff and ignore"
Does anyone remember reading about how God took one of Adam's ribs, and made Eve? This little tale helped solidify my knowledge of the human physiology of the rib cage. Men, have one less rib than women. This fact stems back from centuries of well-kept Jewish records. But not anymore. Now we have the same number of ribs. Yeah.
Many versions (I believe from Mathew 6:24?) of the scriptures recite the Lord's prayer I believe as "Thy will be done, Thy kingdom come, on earth as it is in heaven."
Well, things are a changing. Thy has been changed to "your," and "on earth" is now "in earth."
How can this be? How can a 200 year old copy of the Bible be different today than it was a week ago? Good question. ... great question. I can only say this for certain; in the next couple of months expect a whole host of mythical creatures from orcs to trolls to manticores making their way into the Bible.
Perhaps these are intentional changes made with the purpose of discrediting this text. Or, perhaps it is only the natural progression of this timeline.

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