Tuesday, October 30, 2018

348. Some afterthoughts

Maybe the earth is flat. Maybe it's a sphere hovering in an infinite abyss. I don't know. I'm not sure what I know anymore. Maybe this is one giant video game.

If there are UFO's from other galaxies visiting us on the regular, why don't our governments tell us? Sure this goes back to "I don't believe in UFOs." Because I don't think there are any extraterrestrials out there. I don't think what we consider to be visitors from other planets are actually visitors from other planets.

I think they're just us. From a different timeline. But what I think or believe doesn't matter. The fact of the matter is there is some weird sh-- going on. And if you talk about it you are nuts. Fortunately this whole internet thing has opened some doors. But we are expected not to talk about this. The repercussions are pretty big. Everyone thinks you're crazy, and it's all downhill from there.

Why can't the governing powers at least admit some things are not adding up? I can see why the governing elite want to keep us stupid and ignorant. Everything is easier as long as we are dumb. But unless they plan to kill us all, why keep lying?

Ask yourself this question: do I really know anything?

I'll answer that for you: no, you don't. And if we aren't being visited by aliens, then the government wants us to think that we are. And the opposite is true.

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