Friday, June 8, 2018

323. Joe Dirt

I remember this movie being called "Meet Joe Dirt."

I swear it was. And it even makes more sense in the context of the movie, where the world is being introduced to Joe through radio media.

Now it's just Joe Dirt.

WHATEVER. Whatever.

Ya man. Ya.


  1. Yes! It WAS Meet Joe Dirt, which at the time I took to be a take-off of the earlier Brad Pitt movie Meet Joe Black. I have noted lots of changes, which became apparent to me after I purposely O.D.'dO.D.'d in Nov. 2017. No way I could've survived without at least shutting down my kidneys but, instead, I awoke the next day feeling renewed. And, my entire family tree all hate me, and what little they said before throwing me out involved stuff I never did. Always a geek on keeping aware of celebrity deaths, I see scores of them returned to life, while a half dozen who were alive are now long dead. It gets lonely.

  2. I'm totally with you. I've only seen about a handful of celebs return from the grave but it's always somewhat traumatic.
