Thursday, July 7, 2016

45. WTF?

My roommate is the only person I know who remembers the human body the way it used to be. Which is great, to meet someone else who sees what I see. But here is where it gets so bizarre I can't wrap my mind around it.

He went to the doctor a couple of weeks ago, and his heart was exactly where it should be on the FAR LEFT part of the chest. And his stomach? Right down by his belly button, where he still has a scar from stomach surgery a while back. In fact, the doctors thought it was odd that he should say "shouldn't my heart be in the middle of my chest? And the stomach under the ribs?"

What - the - fk - is -going -on? If I went to a doctor, they'd say everything is where it should be; the heart in the middle of the chest, and the stomach under the ribs. Even though I know it's all wrong.

Is my roommate just a total walking glitch in the matrix or what? How can this be possible? I don't even have a plausible theory for this. I just don't.

He is the last human being I know of with the "old body." Why do I have a new body, when I can remember having the old one? What the hell is going on? I want my old body back!!! Why did he get to keep his???! I know it's trite but here goes:


1 comment:

  1. make that 2, I get crap about my body now being in an odd shape. I ave the old body and resistant to most viruses still, except new wrist changed yhough
