If all of this is true; and it is; .... this is singularly the most important thing ever. Aside from there being a God. If that's true, then that's #1. But this little blog right here, soon to be erased from history; this is the most terrifying, most urgent, and ultimately most futile thing you will ever read.
Chances are; you've probably already given in. You don't notice these things; or you have convinced yourself that you'll accept what's presented to you so long as it jives with your understanding of reality. Firstly I ask; were you ever really paying attention? Really really paying attention? Are you sure of yourself enough to know that you know? Ever questioned your sanity before "remembering" why something is a certain way?
Perhaps this is one little multi-dimensional mishap; and that accounts for the rarity of this phenomenon. But that begs the question: how?? To be able to transform the fabric of reality...?
Yes this is sum crazy shit. And when you realize it's true; it gets much crazier.
It gets bad enough people will think you're a lunatic for seeing it.
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