Tuesday, July 31, 2018


I realize this is a movie for you older folks. Like me.

The ending... it's changed. Here's the kicker: I can't remember what it used to say, but it sure as HELL wasn't this. It said something about  a brow or something?  Ugh. This just sucks. For any true fans, yeah, this one sucks.


Saturday, July 14, 2018

332. A must watch. For newbies, and veterans.


And still, the skeptics claim we're all crazy.


Yes, this was his actual prison number. o.O
331. Do you ever get the feeling...

That *hahaha* your memories might be messed up?

Watch this video


Synopsis: some woman is showing up in pictures at an event she doesn't even remember.

Well. I sometimes get the feeling that I don't even know the people I used to know. Our memories are totally different. I'll chalk this one up to my severe mental illness compliments of Mandela.

But it wouldn't surprise me at ALL if pictures of me showed up somewhere that I've never even been. It could happen to you too.


ya pretty much
330. The Rock

Please don't judge me.

Never been a pro wrestling fan. I think it's all fake garbage, but that's just my opinion. I'm not doubting that these guys could kill me with their thumb. Just never thought it was interesting.

But, I have watched television in the past, and I'm not completely oblivious to this "sport." I remember the Rock saying "CAN YOU SMELL WHAT THE ROCK IS COOKING?!"

Thankfully I can't. Either way, now he yells "IF YOU SMELL WHAT THE ROCK IS COOKING?!"


Watch this clip at exactly 4 minutes in. lol what? …… Apparently he says this everywhere now. Not just this clip.

When he's not cooking rocks, he thinks. (probably about cooking rocks but anyways)

Friday, July 13, 2018

329. The Vitruvian man.

Where did his other two arms go? There were six. Now he has four?

How can you be expected to soar like an eagle with only four arms?

But seriously. If you can't spot this one, just go back to sleep. Get off the internet. Just lay down and close your eyes. Like you usually do.

What? *sigh*
328. It's time to get stoned

Statues, that is. It seems that gigantic statues are appearing all over the place. Well, mostly in the orient. I think. But they're pretty much everywhere.

Here's a picture of one.

"Let me show you the way to the mandela effect"


There's a video you can watch. Some of it is lame, ignore the star wars pictures.

This one doesn't affect me personally to any great extent. At this point, nothing surprises me. I guess humans really can accomplish anything if they put their minds to it. Unlike going to outer space. Haven't done that one yet. haha.