Sunday, June 19, 2016

8. A couple of more movies.

Field of Dreams: the quote went "if you build it HE will come" not "THEY will come"

Star Wars: "NO, I am your father."  not "LUKE, I am your father"

Forrest Gump: "Life WAS like a box of chocolates" not "Life IS like a box of chocolates"

Interview With A Vampire: ... it was called "Interview With THE Vampire." What? No it wasn't.

The unfortunate aspect of these, is that I remember them all wrong. Totally, inexplicably wrong. And I don't "think" I may be misremembering them; I know for a phucking fact that these are not the same. Well. In some movie Chris Farley talks into a fan pretending to be Darth Vader and says "LUUUKE, I AM YOUR FAAATHERRR"

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